Monday, 23 July 2012

"Precious Love"

Our latest custom song was done for a very dear friend of mine that is about to have her first child! We all know babies are such a special gift so I instinctively titled it "Precious Love". The proud mom-to-be informed me that she loved her song so that's great news to us as we love to put smiles on our friends / fans & client's faces! We're so happy for both her and her boyfriend and wish them all the best  =D

Listen To "Precious Love"

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Go Tell Them EP Release Party

The music is done, the photos have been selected, so now it is time to celebrate =D The release party for Catherine Marie's debut EP "Go Tell Them" is happening on Friday July 27th at the Fox & The Fiddle 1285 Finch Ave. West. starting at 10pm with some special guests! Hope to see y'all there!