Monday, 23 July 2018

A #SpecyalOpinion - White Privilege: The (not so) Invisible Truth!

"I'm the Rosa Parks of the Internet!" said the overly dramatic, mostly delusional YouTube personality 'Truthful Trisha' on national tv. This woman is best known for her various crazy antics from faking medical conditions to jumping on people's cars claiming to be hit etc, that were recently showcased on Dr. Phil. During the two part episode, she tried to convince viewers and Dr. Phil himself, that she is constantly being targeted by fans and that she compares herself to Ms. Parks because "she too also speaks up and stands her ground on issues" (huge eye roll). As per usual, Dr. Phil and his team of producers had gone through hours of footage and notes on her, dissecting her, learning all her many then present them to her to finally get her to see the truth. Naturally she became very defensive and verbally attacked everyone for making her "look bad." Being the petulant teenager she is (she's actually a grown ass woman btw.), tried to storm off the set only to walk off the wrong way and then staged a ridiculous fainting spell. Yet again, another white person giving a major platform to whine and sulk about how they're being "mistreated" and all their "hardships," and of course how we should all feel sorry for them (clears throat).

Lately there's been a huge surge in random occurrences between white people inserting themselves into black people's business and causing a huge scene for no reason. Only to than go on their soap box and cry about how now they may no longer have any employment etc, and how surprised they are that they're being punished because they were only looking out for the greater good of said community. They're "sorry!" Really? Sorry they got caught more like. 
We all know about the lady at the Tim's who sh*t on the floor and then threw it at the employees because they didn't allow her to use the washroom. She barely got a slap on the wrist, and later in articles it was stated that she must've been going through something and not just being the entitled, disgusting B*$%# that she clearly is!

The man on the airplane who, although very drunk, decided let's not get up to use the washroom like a normal civilized human being, no, let's just pull it out and pee on the seat in front of me! After which the woman sitting in front complains, and of course she gets reprimanded for it! (shock face) 
A woman baths racoons like they're her children and of course it goes viral. But she's getting mad praise for taking care of these animals that can carry several dangerous diseases including but not limited to rabies. She probably also has human children...definite candidate for mom of the year! 

Let's not forget about all those "Permit Patty's / Peter's" & "BBQ Betty's / Bob's" who randomly disturb black kids and/or families minding their own, either trying to raise money for school supplies etc. by selling products or are enjoying the summer weather by the community pool or having a BBQ. They have no problem inserting themselves into other people's business, clogging up 9-1-1 lines for foolishness, only to go on the defensive after they're called out on it. All of this is a very serious problem that needs to be constantly addressed. It's not only refusing to get better, it's growing in severity. Does White Privilege exist? The fact that this is actually even still a question in today's society is appalling! Dear white people, to those of you who're struggling with this concept, please stop trying to minimize and categorize your "WP Card" by gender, and other non-relevant factors. You're white, so you've got privilege! Understand this, appreciate it for what it is, and then please help by using said privilege to fight the inequalities that you benefit from daily! 

All of this proving yet again, that not only is #WhitePrivilege unfortunately alive and well, it's slowly, on the daily, drenching the mind of our society and future generations into believing that all this is acceptable and encouraged!
That's just my #SpecyalOpinion 😎

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